Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Questionnaire to determine how the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the Study of both male and female students.

A Questionnaire to determine how the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the Study of both male and female students. Questionnaire *Note. I prepared this questionnaire to suit for my research proposal “How the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the Study of both male and female students.” So, as I mentioned in my research proposal by “social background” I have meant how friends, batch mates, girl friend, boy friend etc. affect on students’ study and not academic and non academic staffs. So, I have prepared this questionnaire considering those facts. INFORMATION SHEET This is a small research done by me for the assignment of PSY 201(Methodology) to find out how the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the study of both male and female students. Your answers will be kept confidential and your responses will not be linked to you personally; they will be reported as a group. You can refuse to answer any question at any time. Withdrawing from this research will not result in any negative consequences for you. Essentially your participation poses no risks to you. The benefits of this research are only to gain knowledge about how the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the study of both male and female students. If you have any questions about this research or regarding your rights you may contact me at any time through this number 0718390050. ………………………. ………………………….. Date: - 23.12.2010. Name of the researcher Signature of the researcher CONSENT FORM *I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet dated 23.12.2010. for the above study. *I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily. *I understand that my participation is voluntary, and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason or without legal rights being affected. *I agree to take part in the above research study. …………………...... …….. ..…………. ………………. Name of the participant Date Signature University of Peradeniya Faculty of Arts Department of Philosophy and Psychology A Questionnaire to determine how the social background of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Peradeniya affects on the Study of both male and female students. Please answer the following questions. If any question is not relevant to you please ignore it. 01. Name (optional) : 02. Sex : Male Female 03. Academic Year : 04. Course of Study : 05. Permanent Residence: Rural Urban 06. How much time a day do you spend with your studies (without lecture hours)? 07. How much time do you spend with your friends a day? 08. Are you a member of any association at the Faculty of Arts? (without political associations)? Yes No 09. If yes, please mention number of minutes or hours you spend for that association in a day, a week or a month? 10. If you are doing sports please mention number of minutes or hours you spend with sports in a day, a week or a month? 11. If you have a boy friend or a girl friend please mention number of minutes or hours you spend with her or him in a day, a week or a month? 12. How often do you miss lectures because of your friends, boy friend or girl friend? Always Sometimes Never 13. If you are a member of any political association, please mention number of minutes or hours you spend for that association in a day, a week or a month? 14. If there is a festival in the Faculty of Arts how often do you join it? Always Sometimes Never 15. Have you faced any sorrowful incident because of university sub culture? Yes No 16. If you are a ragger, have you missed lectures during the rag season (when you rag others and when you are being rag)? Always Sometimes Never 17. If you are ordered not to go for lectures by the students’s union how often do you follow it? Always Sometimes Never 18. Do you join meetings held by students’ union? Always Sometimes Never 19. If there is a protest against the university authority arranged by the students’ union do you join it? Yes No 20. Do you spend time in the night writing posters etc in the WUS for your political or any other associations? Yes No 21. When your political association or any other association informs you to go to outside of the university to do a protest against the government asking for your union’s demands do you follow it? Yes No 22. Suppose you have to submit an assignment tomorrow. But you have not completed it yet. Then students’ union informs you to go outside the university for a work of students’ union. (There by you have no time to complete your assignment). What do you do? Please describe. 23. If the students’ union informs you to cut the lectures (not to go for lectures; token) do you follow it? Yes No 24. If there is a General Body (a meeting of students) do you join it? Yes No 25. Do you join outside activities arranged by students’ union? Yes No 26. Have you ever joined outside activities like to collect money for “Mage Desaya Awadi Karanu Mena” festival? Yes No 27. Have you ever been unable to submit your assignments because of your friends, boy friend, or girl friend? Yes No 28.If you missed a lecture do your friends, girl friend, boy friend or any one else help you to catch the missed lesions? Yes No 29. If you are staying in a hostel how do your friends affect on your study? Please describe. 30. Are there outside activities in the hostel that affect on your study? Yes No 31. If yes what are they? Please describe. 32. If you use “internet” how much time do you use it for outside of your studies (face book etc.)? Hour a day Two hours a day More than two hours a day Ten hours a week More than ten hours a week 33. If there is a film festival at “AT” how often do you join it (watch films)? Always Sometimes Never 34. If any one asks you how the university social background affects on your study how do you explain it? 34. Please mention further opinions about this questionnaire. Thank you very much and your contribution is greatly valued.
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