Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Question of “does social background of university of Peradeniya affect on study of male students of art faculty”

Question of “does social background of university of Peradeniya affect on study of male students of art faculty” is hoped to do research by using randomly selected 20 male participants, who will be given closed format questionnaire, for collecting data that will be analyzed qualitatively to test hypothesis: background of society affects negatively male students’ study. The main objective of this study taking one month time is to find out whether those two variables- social background and male students’ study- interact with each other and the like, whether how and why social background affects their study. Introduction In this paper, I hope to study whether the social background of arts faculty of Peradeniya university affects on study of male students (faculty of art) or not. There are many people who are from different social, economic, political and religious backgrounds, studying at this particular educational institute. Therefore, concepts, thinking styles or patterns of those people are various. Thus, the influences caused on individual may be different, with accordance to that sense. In the short terms, the society of certain University is very complicated, which is really hard to cover. But in my paper, I supposed to investigate specific social background that impacts study of male students. Specific social back ground, in the sense, refers to that, the society with which they negotiate and keep close relationship, such as friends, classmates, batch mate and girlfriends. So, it specifies only about the specific group. The purpose of mentioning the specific group, in any case, is to help the readers not to involve misunderstanding of what is social background. According to sociology and social psychology society is very broad and widespread sense to study. Besides, the peers groups of students, there are many social groups, such as, lecturers and official workers working in university of Peradeniya. So, in my study, I supposed not to study the influences caused by those social groups on male students’ academic works, but students’ colleagues. Male students are divers from each other in variety of broad sense, that is, their economic, social, political and religious backgrounds in which they have built their personality, are, likewise various. So here, in my proposed paper, I suppose to study that do social backgrounds which are specified to certain groups affect study of male students who are different in various senses. I have experienced before, a number of boys who study in various institutions are quite lazy to study, as comparing relatively with most girls. This specific problem has been conflicting my idea that whether the social background of their own society influences or not. This particular idea was developing strongly as I came to university. I have experienced the same thing as before that most male (not all) students are not eager to study. I wonder that why most male students ignored their study, despite they have enough resources. Ones who got chance to enroll the university are considered as brilliant guys, because, to study at a famous university, they had contested with thousands of students from various places. And the like, they are provided enough material and human resources by government as well as, their family provide enough resources and facilities (scholarships, money, hostel and so on) for them in terms of education. In spite of this situation, now why most male students are lazy to study, as they were set up for A/L exam, why they ignore the class, why they fail and why their results are poor, is their social back ground impact on them?, these are the questions have arisen in my mind that leads me to do a research on such a topic. In basic terms, I want find out that dose social background of society in which they live affect their study or not. Question of Research: Does social background of arts faculty, university of Peradeniya affect on study of male students? Research title: Impact of Peradeniya University’s social background & art faculty: male students’ study Hypothesis: Background of society of Peradeniya University (faculty of arts) affects negatively male students’ study. Review of literature Research title: The effect of socio-economic background of undergraduates on their academic performance: A developing country perspective, done by: D. U. A. Galagedera on 1, 1991, Department of Industrial Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. This paper reports the results of a survey of socio-economic background and the academic performance of undergraduates at the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka. Socio-economic background of entrants differed significantly between the science and arts streams. Students in the faculty of science were more likely to be from the urban-affluent families whereas the students in the faculty of arts were more likely to be from the rural—low-income families. A significant variation in academic performance between male and female students was observed only among the science stream. No significant associations between socio-economic indicators such as place of residence while attending university, family size, level of education of parents, living standard at home, family income, university education in the family, and rank order in family and examination performance were found. Research title: The Influence of Social Background on Application and Entry to Higher Education in Scotland: a Multi-Level Analysis by Teresa Tinklin, 9 Oct 2008, University of Edinburgh,Scotland. This paper assesses the influence of social background on application and entry to higher education among Scottish school leavers using multi-level modeling. The context for the study is long-standing policy interest in widening access to higher education for under-represented groups. The analysis indicates that those from less advantaged backgrounds are disadvantaged at three stages in the process of entry to higher education: qualification, application and entry. The results support the need for explanations and interventions encompassing both individual and structural levels. Government initiatives aimed at widening access are discussed in light of the findings. Research title: Social capital influences student achievement,by Lihong Huang NOVA, of Norwegian Social Research on 03.02.2009. Using data from the national survey ‘Young in Norway 2002’, the article explores the concept and measurement of social capital in the school context by applying factor analysis. The paper also tests an analytical model that links student home background, social capital at school and student academic achievement, using a structural modeling technique. Control variables in the analysis are student age, gender, school size and home community. Testing the analytical model with female and male student subgroup data takes gender perspectives into consideration. The study finds that student social capital, generated from student social relations with parents, teachers and peers, has a significant influence on student achievement. The statistical analyses show that factors in the home play an important role in building student social capital, a result that positively influences achievement at school. Home human and economic capital positively influences ‘good child-parent interaction’ and ‘good peer-teacher interaction’, which in turn have rather strong positive effects on student achievement. Objectives of research The main objective of this study is to find out whether social Background University of Peradeniya affects study of male students. Besides, the other objectives are mentioned as follows. • Generating knowledge that how those two variables- dependent and independent- interact with each other and the like, whether how and why social background affects their study. • Desire to find out that whether social background alone is the main factor in causing impact or are there more reasons influenced on their education. • Require to know how boys interact with their groups, their life styles (routine), background of their life (economic and political), and social associations (in specific university). • Intend to know that whether my hypothesis will be proved or not. • Aim to know whether theories of psychology can be applied or not, especially Social psychology’s theory and in basic terms, to generate the knowledge how psychology work with society and How they solve problems. Methodology Research design I have chosen experimental research design to investigate my problem, in order to know how social back ground: the independence variable- and male students’ study: the dependent variable-, interact with each other. (The correlation) Technique of gathering data (instruments) Selected instrument: Questionnaire (self-administered) I have selected “Closed format questions” to structure my questions in questionnaire, which offer many advantages in time and money. By restricting the answer set, it is easy to calculate percentages and other hard statistical data over the whole group. Closed format questions also make me easier to track opinion by administering the same questionnaire to similar participant groups. Finally closed format questions allow me to filter out useless or extreme answers that might occur in an open format question. I have selected “questionnaire” as instrument for gathering the data, because they are easy for my research in collecting the data and easy to administer. Students who study at particular university always might engage in various tasks. Some may engage in political work, some in personal needed activities and some in educational work. For example, if I use observation method or experimental method to get accurate data, I have to follow them always when they are engaging in what thing they needed. So it is hard for me as well as for them. Through technique of observation, it may cause disturbances on them and wasting time. But questionnaire is easy to manage, that in this sense, it is appropriate to be applied for the research. Procedure of collecting data After having completed the structuring of questionnaire, the questionnaire itself will be administered by me in the sense of collecting data and I will follow my time schedule too. The procedure will be followed step by step as listed as the following. And art faculty of university of Peradeniya is where the data iscollected. • First introduce myself and the purpose of study to test takers who I selected. • Get their permission and give them the questionnaire to fill at their convenience. • Ask the for telephone number to contact them if they are not clear or confused of any question. • Finally, I express my kind gratitude to test takers. Sample Size of sample: 20 male participants included 5 1st year students, 5 2nd year students, 5 3rd year students and 5 4th year students. First I divide students into 4 batches by using the stratified sample and use random sample to select numbers of students from each year I need. In this matter, I wish the assistance of batch leader to get names of students of each year. After getting all names, put all names into 4 buckets symbolized or represented each year and then pull 5 out of each year bucket. Data analysis Qualitative approach: In data analysis I hope to use qualitative approach to analyze data got from sample. After getting data I will divide them into 4 categories: as data of 1st year students, 2nd year, 3rd year students, and 4th year students. Then classify various reasons or data given by each year students and analyze and testify those data by using social psychological and psychological theories, concepts and knowledge. Again, take all data which have been analyzed and classified, together and put them into parts: negative reason and positive reason. Then test my hypothesis. Here, I would like to mention that above criteria is the main analytic procedure supposed to use for data analysis. Significance of study This research will help participants to understand their real life, problems related to education and guide us and others people to help them if there is life related problems in terms of social and psychological factors. This particular research will be beneficial to people who are outsiders to understand life style: the way the interact each others, loved affaire and so on- of male students studying at particular university, as the result of this, it helps people not to misunderstand university life. In terms of fieldwork, it helps us to understand how psychological theories apply to particular problem and how important they are. Limitation sand Delimitations of study The limitations and Delimitations of my study are listed as the following: • Being unable to spend much more time and money than what I supposed to • Analyzing only the two variables (experimental design) using qualitative approach with assistance of psychological theories • Testing the hypothesis comparing with information has been collected. • Doing research with male students (20 participants) of art faculty of Peradeniya University • Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me, that is, I will not be with them when the questionnaire being filled • Using only questionnaire which is close format to collect the data, and using books, internet, and computer for analyzing the data Ethnical considerations The research have conducted was designed to have well-recognized ethics that acknowledged by everyone. Before, giving the questionnaire I have explained how to fill it and tell them not be afraid of and subjective in filling the questionnaire. In the clear sense, I will not insist them or forcibly make them uncomfortable and deceive them in filling. Likewise, I will not say anything that affects their personality and mentality. In selecting sample will not be subjective, unfair discriminated, and biased to select my participant and I should follow the method I mentioned. In occasions of collecting data, recording data, analyzing data, and communicating the results, I hope to protect personal and private information of my participants. I will maintain the confidentiality and privacy during the data being collected, analyzed and after result issued. Especially, in analyzing data, I will encode the ideas of intellectuals as Thiers. References 1. Lihong, Huang. (2009). Social capital influences student achievement. NOVA, Norwegian Social Research, retrieved January, 2010, fromhttp://www.nova.no/?id=18740&language=1 2. Teresa, Tinklin. (2008). the Influence of Social Background on Application and Entry to Higher Education in Scotland: a Multi-Level Analysis. Wiley InterScience,54,367 – 385, Retrieved January, 22, 2010, from http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121442467/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 3. D. U. A. Galagedera. (1991). the effect of socio-economic background of undergraduates on their academic performance: A developing country perspective.International Journal of Educational Development,11, 13-17. Retrieved January, 22, 2010, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VD7-466CJ1F-H&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F1991&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ccd9aae8bc6f9ba7bcd11dfadb8621f1