Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The applicability of motivational theories used by Tesco Company in Sri Lankan companies.

The applicability of motivational theories used by Tesco Company in Sri Lankan companies. The applicability of motivational theories used by Tesco Company in Sri Lankan companies Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls and sustains certain goal directed behaviors (Coon, 2001). A company, an institute or any other organization that has a staff or employees do a lot of things to take a good production from their employees. The motivational theories taught in organizational or industrial psychology can be clearly added to companies, organizations and institutes to take the best of their employees. The Tesco Company in London has practically applied these motivational theories in their company and now it is a well developed company. This company has used Taylor’s theory, Mayo effect, Maslow and Herzberg’s theories to motivate their employees. The aim of this assignment is whether to check that the motivational theories used by Tesco Company could be applied to the companies, institutes or organizations in Sri Lanka and if so, the way it is done. Here, mainly I would like to take Holcim Lanka Pvt. Ltd. mainly to clarify my examples and also other private and government companies and organizations. Most of the Sri Lankan companies use some motivational steps to encourage their employees because these companies clearly know their productions increase when employees are motivated. The companies like Holcim Pvt Ltd, Abans, HNB, NSB, Ceylinco, Cargills, Singer, garment factories like Brandix Lanka Ltd, Trendex Lanka Private Limited, Selsan Clothing & Company etc. the government organizations like water board, CTB, Electricity board etc. clearly use motivational steps for their employees. Mainly these companies offer their employees- free or reduced rate health facilities, hostel and health facilities and food freely or low rate, employee discount, training and practice, special offers on special occasions (wedding, funeral etc.), employee counseling etc. Mainly, the wellbeing of employees are first considered. This is finely explained by the Cargill’s company. Their theme is “Our Strength is our team.” So, we can see that already motivational factors are being used by Sri Lankan companies and what a great place has been given to their employees. Taylor’s motivational theory and Sri Lankan Companies The main motivational factor mentioned in Taylor’s theory is money. He found that if employees are paid “piece rate” then a lot of profit could be gained. The Holcim Lanka Company has understood this and they have favorable salary system. The money is paid according to the state of the job. If an employees work more than the due hours or if he or she works on holidays they get additional pay of money. In the same way, for the employees, this company offer discounts. The contract- free phone are given by Jinasena Ltd. and Airtel, Hutch, Dialog and Mobitel employees just like Tesco company for rewarding their hard work. If the profit is high, the amount of profit is given to employees. In Etisalat and Hutch Companies this is done. This fact was clearly highlights by Taylor’s theory. This is followed by the garment factories as Brandix Lanka Ltd, Trendex Lanka Private Limited, Selsan Clothing And Company and Cargills’ etc. In government sect also, this can be seen. For an instance the servants who work in our hostel are paid more if they work on holidays or extra hours. The army officers are paid much because of their hard work. The people should be satisfied with their salary and if not they are not motivated to continue their work. We can see that the employees of most government institutes ask for salary increasing as it is a main motivational factor. Mayo’s theory According to Mayo’s theory external factors like desire to learn new skill and internal factors like sales targets and incentives motivate the people. According to Mayo, the greater communication, good team work, showing interest in others, involving others in decision making, ensuring the wellbeing of others etc. highly motivate the employees. The Holcim Lanka practically do this. They have a well organized communication system. They have upward communication system (grievances procedures suggestion box, open door practice etc.) and downward communication system (handbook, newsletter, bulletin board, meeting and electronic media). As employees are given a chance to express their attitudes and ideas it motivates employees. The other organizations also practice this. Manufacturing cement is a team work and because of that relationship with co-workers is strengthened. As each and every employee has a good job security and other needs, employees are motivated. Abraham Maslow’s theory According to Maslow’s theory, people are motivated by five essential needs. They are physiological, safety, social, self-esteem and self actualization needs. These are called hierarchy of needs and when the lower needs are fulfilled humans search for the higher needs. The Holcim Lanka and other companies in Sri Lanka both government and private have considered about this. Most of the private companies like Holcim, Cargills, Keels, Maliban, Galadari hotel etc. provide foods freely or reduced rate. Food is a very basic need. In the same way, toilet, wash room facilities, hostel facilities etc. are supplied. Concerning the security needs, these companies provide security when employees are inside the company or factory and also employees’ job security is also provided. The employees have the freedom to join a union and if an employee is unfaithful to the company there is a disciplinary procedure to judge it and it is fair. This can be highly found in government offices and factories. There are many group woks in these companies. The employees of biscuit companies and garment companies normally engage in group works that develop social relationships. Employees who work hard and who have novel ideas for the development of the company are praised and he or she is promoted to develop such ideas. Employees who have creative ideas are recognized and they are given a chance to develop them. And clever and skillful employees are given promotions and also scholarships to go abroad which Maslow says those things develop one’s self actualization. Frederick Herzberg theory Herzberg developed two factor theory of motivation and explained that certain factors are true motivators or satisfiers and some factors which he called hygiene factors create dissatisfaction if they are absent or inadequate. According to him, dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors. He talks about several satisfiers and hygiene factors. Most of the hygiene factors are used by Sri Lankan companies to motivate their employees. Pay and benefits is a major motivational factor according to Herzberg and they are provided by the Sri Lankan companies like Cargill, Maliban, Singer, Holcim etc. Company policy and administration- Each and every government and private company has its own policy system and a way of administration. Administration differs to company to company. Normally the company policy of Holcim is good for employees. But, the company policies of some garment factories are not favorable for employees. The same thing happens sometimes, in government offices also. One of my friends told me when he went to a certain government office; the head of the office has said to him that the officer could give him the job only if my friend would not join the union. So, these things demotivate employees. Relationship with co- workers-When employees engage in group works like in Holcim, biscuit companies, garment factories etc. the relationship with co- works develop. Supervision- Any Sri Lankan company has a supervisor. Supervision is done mostly in garment factories like Trendex Lanka Private Limite, Selsan Clothing & Company etc. Status-Every employee in a company has his or her own status. But, in government offices the situation is somewhat different. Job Security-As mentioned above job security is provided by Sri Lankan companies according to their company. Some people try to find government jobs because the job security in government offices is high. Some private companies do not have job security like Beljin garment factory. They allow male employees to work only for 6 months. So, male employees are demotivated because they have to leave the job after 6 months. Working conditions-Sri Lankan companies have good working conditions providing employees basic needs. But, some government offices working conditions is not good. Personal life- Most of the Sri Lankan companies try to protect the personal life of their employees. When these hygiene factors are fulfilled, the satisfiers achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, promotion and growth are arisen in employees. So, they do not leave the job and they are motivated. Mostly, in private sector, each employee has given a responsibility. So, they just can’t neglect it. When considering the above mentioned facts, it is clear that the motivational theories practiced by the Tesco Company to motivate their employees are already practically used in Sri Lankan companies. As we all know Sri Lanka is a developing country. A developing country can’t do all the things done by developed countries. Though the Sri Lankan companies are unable to apply all the facilities like Tesco Company as reward plan etc. Sri Lankan companies show a good progress. I personally know that there are some companies that help their employees enormously. Once a female employee of the Belji garment factory died and the company did all the funeral works and also built a bus halt for that girl. When other employees see this they are motivated to work under that company and it is natural. So, at last we can say that though there are some practical problems, the motivational theories practiced by Tesco are already being applied and also can be applied in Sri Lankan companies.